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Special Test Chambers for the space industry

Test in outer space conditions –with your feet on solid ground

Space Simulator - Thermal Vacuum Chamber

Testing space fight equipment before the first fight into space is a prerequisite to be able to predict the behaviour of these valuable components, and is done by simulating space conditions. Weisstechnik’s Thermal Vacuum Chambers accurately reproduce outer space conditions and thus allow testing in a completely controlled environment.

Their high-performance pump systems can achieve a vacuum of down to 10–7 mbar. Liquid nitrogen circulating in a Thermal Vacuum Chamber create low temperatures comparable to outer space of –185 °C to +165 °C. Specific features such as infra-red radiation or aspatial temperature gradient can be simulated to meet our customer requirements.

Thermal Vacuum Chamber

* Testing room size: 20 m3
* Temperature range: from –135 °C to +150 °C
* Pressure range: down to 10–7 mbar
* Infra-red radiation: 2500 W/m2





Altitude chamber up to 100,000 feet

During flight, aeroplanes are exposed to extreme pressure and climate conditions. Such parameters greatly impact the function of individual components and must be inspected and measured for safety reasons.

Weisstechnik test chambers facilitate the testing of aerospace components in an environment that allows control of the parameters pressure, temperature and/or humidity. It is possible to simulate heights of 100,000 feet. Upon request, combined icing tests cat B  can also be  performed according to the norms RTCA DO-160 and MIL-STD-810.

Altitude chamber up to 100,000 feet

•  Testing room size: 1 m3
•  Temperature range: from –70 °C to +180 °C
•  Humidity range: from 10 % to 98 % RH
•  Pressure range: 1 mbar




Testing Systems for highly accelerated aging and stress tests

Subject your products to the endurance test and ensure the reliability of electronic or mechanically-moving components such as hydraulic locks.  The HALT stress test (Highly Accelerated Life Test) examines step-wise and spasmotic thermical stress, also in combination with vibration. Thereby the usage limits of a product during the prototype phase are determined and weaknesses in design and components are revealed. The succeeding HASS test (Highly Accelerated Stress Screening) is performed after production and aims to reveal defects early on that could cause hidden or latent failures.

Testing Systems for highly accelerated aging and stress tests

Testing System HALT/HASS, Star GalaxyTM 44*

* Testing room size: 2330 l
* Temperature range: from –100 °C to +200 °C
*  Integrated: three-axis pneumatic vibrating table with 3        degrees of fineness
*  Liquid nitrogen cooling (LN2) for quick re-tempering            and maximal product stress






Pumping module for satellite lens

With the pumping module developed by Weiss Technik, a secondary vacuum can be maintained in the lens enclosure enabling the performance of tests under real conditions. As satellite lenses are especially sensitive parts of the payload, our equipment includes all safety systems necessary for maintaining the integrity of the test piece (no contamination).

Pumping module for satellite lens

Kerosene Climate Test Bench

The environmental conditions met by aircrafts during fight modify the properties of the kerosene thus inducing potential malfunctions that have  to be detected during test phase. Weiss Technik provides solutions to test your critical pieces of equipment with preheated or cooled kerosene, and the possibility to simulate water pollution and icing conditions. Combined with a climate/altitude chamber, it is then possible to simulate real operating conditions.

Kerosene Climate Test Bench

Kerosene Climatic Test Bench*

* Capacity: 100 l
* Temperature: –53 °C to +85 °C
•  Safety: nitrogen inerting system






Low Temperature Chamber – Liquid Nitrogen

Thermal stress induced by extreme space temperatures is so important that temperature tests of aerospace equipment are often performed even before the vacuum test. Our liquid nitrogen cooling system allows a very precise temperature adjustment over a large range, from –185 °C to +200 °C. Weisstechnik Low Temperature Chambers achieve rapid  temperature changes and great homogeneity, in small volumes as well as in large walk-in chamber.

Low Temperature Chamber – Liquid Nitrogen

Low Temperature Chamber*

•  Testing room size: 31 m3

•  Temperature range: from –185 °C to +200 °C




Temperature Shock Testing Cabinet

During flight, aircraft equipment often passes through several temperature zones in a brief period of time. Rapid temperature changes can impact the function and safety of individual components. Weisstechnik Testing Cabinets allow for temperature changes of up to 30 K/min


Temperature Shock Testing Cabinet
Temperature-Shock Testing Cabinet TS 120*

•  Lifting cage volume: 120 l

•  Temperature range: heat chamber from +50 °C to +220 °C, cooling chamber from –80 °C to +70 °C


Taking off successfully and landing safely are the most important obligations for the aerospace industry. You can use weisstechnik® environmental simulation systems to simulate all the important parameters in advance.

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space simulation chamber

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